During his meeting with the Director of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue, the Iraqi Prime Minister remarks: the Development Road initiative will transform Iraq into a political and economic regional powerhouse
The Iraqi Prime Minister, Mr. Mohammed Shia' Al Sudani has asserted that the Iraqi Development Road Initiative will make Iraq a prominent powerhouse within the regional system, politically and economically.
Iraq’s Prime Minister also stated that efforts are continuing vigorously to accomplish the project according to the planned timelines. The Prime Minister’s remarks came up during a meeting in which he received the director of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue, Dr Abbas Radhi al-Amiri, who in turn briefed His Excellency on the work of the Organizing Committee for the Seventh Session of Baghdad International Dialogue conference, which will be launched on February 22-23, 2025, whose slogan will be “ The Iraqi Road of Development: The Alliance of Interests and Geopolitical Stakes.
Al-Amiri has pointed out that the selection of this topic is driven by Iraq’s significant interest in the project, which would grant Iraq a pivotal role within the regional system as a focal point that links the East and the West. Iraq’s Prime Minister has received an invitation to attend this Seventh Bagdad dialogue opening ceremony, announcing his endorsement of this annual international gathering that is held in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad and hosts a cohort of major decision-makers from the region and around the world.

استكتاب خاص بمؤتمر حوار بغداد الدولي السابع لكتابة أوراق بحثية

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تعليقات الزوار