Official agreement between Iraqi Institute for Dialogue and the Iraqi Media Network to sponsor The Seventh Annual International Conference of “Baghdad Dialogue” 2025
The Iraqi Institute for Dialogue has announced an official agreement with the Iraqi Media Network to sponsor The Seventh Annual International Conference of “Baghdad Dialogue” 2025, which will be held on 22-23 February 2025 in Baghdad, to enhance the role of media in this prominent event.
Mr. Karim Hammadi, the head of the Iraqi Media Network, stressed that the latter committed to provide distinguished media coverage, and he praises efforts of the Iraqi Institute for Dialogue in organizing the conference and the importance of the discussions it raises to promote regional and international dialogue.
It should be note that the Seventh Annual International Conference of “Baghdad Dialogue” is one of the most prominent intellectual events, bringing together decision-makers, politicians, academics and experts to discuss issues of development, geopolitical shifts and regional communication.

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تعليقات الزوار